Monday, August 21, 2017

Little Jobs For Little People

From the time Logan started crawling, many people offered the anecdotal advice that "once he starts walking, everything gets crazy." I love when friends or strangers share tidbits about parenting from their own life. This comment came up SO much, and if I am being honest, made me sad. I was so excited for Logan to walk! I am thankful for a son who has the option to walk, and who, Lord willing, will use his legs to walk many fun, necessary, and remarkable places throughout his lifetime.

One of my goals with Logan, has been to incorporate and involve him in our real, daily life as much as possible. This has taken many forms over the past 15 months, and it has been so helpful to be inspired by seeing other mamas live with their babes.  For us, at 3 months this looked like having him sit in my lap while I folded laundry and talking about what colors things were, or once we started feeding him solid foods, really making a point to try to have meals together, even if the preparation is a bit more time consuming.  I noticed early on that I was prone to try to fit my whole day into naptimes, which made things stressful and rushed for me. Bringing Logan into things has made life easier and more enjoyable for us both!

When he started walking, I wanted to be intentional with teaching him to do things he was now able to do because of this newfound skill! Over the past month of walking he has acquired quite a few little "jobs." He loves doing them, and understands very well what he is being asked to do. Another side effect of this has been that it opened up a great door to work more on obedience and listening to mom and dad. 

Here is some of Logan's favorite jobs he does throughout the day! What kinds of things do you do with your littles?

1. Throwing Diapers Away - After we change Logan's diaper he puts it in his diaper pail. Simple but helpful!

2. Throwing Trash Away - Similar to above, but if we have a used napkin, empty ziploc or anything that is pretty contained, we ask Logan throw it away. He loves opening the trashcan, putting his items in and then closing.

3. Getting His Shoes - When we are going to the store I will ask Logan to bring me his little shoes and sit so I can put them on him. He somehow knows where he last placed them and loves lifting his little feet in the air to have me place them on him. I am already sad I wont get to do this for him forever - it is so sweet. 

4. Holding the Keys - When we walk to the car, I have Logan hold my keys. He tries to reach the lock on his tip toes, but we aren't quite there yet. At the car, he also closes the front door after I have put my diaper bag inside. 

5. Closing doors / drawers - Logan isn't allowed to open drawers in the kitchen, but he is definitely a huge help in closing them. If one is even the slightest bit open, he will make sure to close it ;). 

6. Sharing Things - Although Logan doesn't fully grasp the idea of sharing yet, we wanted to get him used to the concept and word as soon as we could, so we periodically ask him to "share" things with us - sometimes its he has picked up that was accidentally left within his reach, or things we need to give to each other. 

Ian and I have been soaking in every moment we can of the stage we are in. It has been SO fun to see the work exploding before his eyes, and watching him interact more and more with everything around him. 


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