Monday, October 2, 2017

Our Fixer Upper - An Update!

If you've been reading my blog for a while, you may remember that back in April we bought our first home! Ever since escrow closed, Ian has been working on renovating it pretty much non stop so that we could move in as soon as possible. His projects have included redoing some plumbing, removing the old siding and replacing the insulation - among other things. 
These first things we had to get done were so important, but on the outside, everything looked about the same - or less put together than before. Last week, we passed a huge hurdle in the whole world of home remodel - Ian completely replaced the roofing on our house, and finished building out a covered patio! He worked so hard to get this done, and I really am so proud of all the time, thought, care and hard work he has put into our home so far.



We decided to go with a roof that was charcoal grey in color. We both knew we wanted something neutral, and went back and forth between this color and a lighter grey, but I love the way it turned out, and I think it will fit the look we want for our home so well.

In addition to replacing the shingles, he also added two skylights that will be over our living room once we tear our the interior ceilings. They both sit under a canopy of leaves from our two large trees in the backyard, so I think they will add such a soft warmth to the room. 

In the next week or so Ian will be putting some metal roofing over the patio. I saw this photo on Pinterest, and loved the mixing of roof textures adds character to the house, while still being a more 'subtle' statement. 

( image courtesy of Houzz )

It finally feels like we are taking big steps forward now that this is done! This week he should be installing new windows, and once those are in he can replace the siding as well. I am excited because new windows = new interior paint! Being pregnant and caring for Logan, I have felt sad at times that I can't do more, or be more of a help. We do go over often for Logan to play in the backyard while Ian works, and I am able to do some yard work, but other than that all the construction is not pregnant lady friendly. I have tried to stay on top of practical things by picking out paint and fixtures and having them ready to go so that we can move on to each next step without a gap in time, so I feel like I'm contributing something with that.

This whole process has taught me so much about waiting. Seeing how each step must be carefully calculated and completed before the next can begin has caused me to be more patient and content while things are in progress - both when it comes to renovations and just life in general. We will Lord willing be moved into the house before Christmas, and I don't think we could think of a better "Christmas present" - to be in our home for the holidays!
Thanks for taking time to read this little update. I will post again soon as things continue to move along, and especially once decorating and move in happen. 

I pray our home would be a warm and inviting place, first and foremost for our family, but also to our friends and even strangers who come by.


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