Thursday, September 14, 2017

Tips & Tricks: Camping with a Toddler

This past weekend we went set out for our family's annual camping trip. This was my third time going, but my husband has gone camping with his family and cousins for over 20 years! Even in my short time of camping and learning the ropes of this activity, so much has changed. The first time I went, Ian and I had been dating for a month, and there was one baby among the group. This trip we were joined by s i x kiddos, and two more are coming soon.

If I am being honest, camping is something I have had to learn to love. I love being at the beach and around family, but I don't particularly consider sleeping on the ground and lacking showers a relaxing vacation. Time has helped me adjust my expectations a bit, and thankfully this trip was so wonderful, and I can say I really enjoyed myself!

Being properly prepared for our time away has made the biggest difference for me in being free to fully have a good time. This has been especially true since bringing Logan along. Here are some things I've learned that make life a tiny bit easier while camping with your babes. 

I. Pack Smart
This took some time for us to learn, but you want to have enough to not be left hunting for things forgotten, and not so much that unpacking and packing take an unreasonable amount of time, or you don't have places to store things. We keep our camping gear in a large, plastic bin throughout the year, so when the time comes to pack up, I don't have to try to remember a long list of things we might need. Our bin includes our camping stove, lantern, propane, a set of knives, roasting sticks, our beach pop up sun shade, paper towels, plastic cutlery, and plates. I also try to pack our bags two to three days before we actually leave so that I have time to add anything I think of, and not rush to the finish line on the day we leave the house. This has made things so much easier and we are able to leave on time and quickly when we need to. It also gives me time to clean around the house before we take off, making coming home less hectic. 

II. Recreate Home.....But Then Don't
I try to keep Logan's sleeping arrangements as similar to those at home as I can, without needing to bring ten thousand things along. For us, this looks like him having his puppy and blanket in his crib at night and taking his white noise machine along. This helps him know it's naptime or nighttime, and washes out noises around the campground. I tried to think of the biggest things that will make him comfortable, but not worry about things like the level of light or tweaks to our normal daily rhythm. So far, it has all worked out well.

III. Be Flexible
Don't head into camping (or any trip for that matter) expecting to keep your normal schedule. It may work sometimes and others not. Stressing about things only puts everyone on edge, including your kids. Try opting for a nap in a carrier if it fits with your activity, or settling for one nap instead of two, with an early bedtime. Nothing tires out little ones like lots of vitamin d and saltwater, so I found naptime was actually a breeze this past camping trip because all our bubs were so worn out from all the running around. 

IV. Dress Appropriately
Always bring warm and snuggy clothes for your little ones, to make sure they don't wakeup early from being too cold. I layered Logans knit pajamas with a cozy sweater. We also tucked him in with a blanket and sweatshirt which kept him plenty toasty. When he was younger, I also had him wear a little beanie at night too.
For the beach we used a UV resistant swim shirt, shorts and hat (a set I got from Costco this past spring!), which left less skin to cover with sunscreen. I highly recommend getting UV protectant clothes for times at the beach. I was deathly afraid of Logan getting a sunburn, and this helped us avoid that. 
I opted to get Logan some "play clothes" from that thrift store that he could get dirty or ruin, so that he wouldn't damage his nicer clothing from home. I picked things that I still would have bought normally, but for $1 an item, we could afford a loss or two if it happened. I ended up scoring some great things and mostly got items from baby gap or lucky brand - all for super cheap! I got 3 pairs of shorts, 6 t shirts and a flannel - all for $15. 
In retrospect I ended up being happy I brought a cozy vest for cool mornings around the fire. I also loved having our Native brand shoes around. They are so durable and you can rinse away all the dirt and sand from the day in a few seconds. 

V. Eat Well
Food is the most fun, but also challenging part about camping with a little one for me. Logan doesn't eat any candy or sugar at this point (#uncoolmom), and we try to stay away from grains as much as possible. I wanted to be able to prepare healthy "camping friendly" meals, while still being flexible and considering our circumstances. I found some organic instant oatmeal packs at Trader Joe that I used for breakfast. For lunch I mixed a can of tuna with hummus and a mashed avocado. It took three seconds to make, and we all enjoyed it after being at the beach for a few hours. I tried to pack simple snacks that were healthy, but easy, like apples and peanut butter or cheese. We shared a lot with family and had more than plenty of food leftover.

I'm sure these seem kind or random, but they each helped make our trip so fun and refreshing. What things have made your camping trips more easy and enjoyable?


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