Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Lavender Honey Toast (& Two Other Recipes Worth Waking Up To)

When Ian and I first met, I quickly learned that he loved breakfast. This rubbed off on me, and I truly look forward to waking up and making my boys something delicious that will leave their day off to a great start. Most days, I rotate through some form of an egg dish, oatmeal, or healthy smoothie. Throughout this pregnancy I have added a few more staples to my rotation and am delighted to share them with you! The best part is that they all take no more than 5 minutes to make - which makes them an easy choice for even the busiest of days.

Inspired by one of my favorite coffee shops around Los Angeles - Lavender & Honey, is this Lavender Honey Toast. I usually eat this with a soft boiled egg on the side, and it is the perfect balance of savory and sweet. 

To make this you will need:
- Rye or multigrain bread
- Ricotta Cheese
- Food Grade Dried Lavender Buds
- Honey
Instructions: Simply toast your bread, and top with a generous amount of ricotta cheese. Sprinkle with lavender buds and drizzle with honey. This would be perfect served in small squares at a tea party, as it is so unique and lovely.

Next up is my all time favorite:
Red Protein Smoothie

I love having smoothies in the mornings, or as a meal replacement throughout the day. I recently purchased the Orgain Organic Protein Powder from Costco, and I have really enjoyed using it for a boost in my morning smoothie. 
Obviously there are endless combinations of ingredients for your particular tastes, but this is my favorite combo:

- 1 cup frozen berries
- 1/2 cup fresh spinach
- 1 T ground flaxseed
- 1 T chia seeds
- 2 scoops of protein powder
- 1/4 cup full fat yogurt
-1/2 cup chilled nut milk of choice
- unsweetened coconut chips

Instructions: Blend all ingredients together, except for the coconut chips. Adjust liquid measurements to get the consistency you prefer. Pour in a glass and top with coconut chips. Enjoy!

Moving along to my last breakfast item! Ian loves eggs, so of course I had to include an egg dish! This breakfast dish has so much flavor, while being wonderfully nourishing, and it always keeps me feeling full long after breakfast is done.

Avocado Toast topped with a Creamy Egg Scramble 

This is another breakfast dish that is so simple, yet would be a delicious treat for houseguests or when hosting a brunch. I love that it uses items you most likely have in your fridge already.
To make this you will need:

- Sourdough Toast
- 1/2 ripe avocado
- juice of 1/2 lemon
- 2 Organic eggs
- 1/4 cup chopped fresh spinach
- salt and pepper
-crumbled feta cheese

Instructions: Toast your bread. Meanwhile, mash half an avocado and mix with lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste. 
Heat a skillet with a small amount of butter over low heat. Crack you eggs into the skillet (leaving the yolks in tact) and allow them to cook very slowly. When the whites start to solidify, mix in spinach and break the yolks open as you stir the mixture. Continue to cook over very low heat until the whites are solid*. 
Remove your toast from the toaster and top with mashed avocado.
Break up the eggs and place on the avocado toast. I like to crack fresh pepper and Himalayan salt on top. 

* Cooks Note: Cooking eggs over very low heat ensures that your whites will not burn, and leaves you with a very creamy texture. High heat will cause the whites to cook too quickly, while the yolks will be underdone.

Well, there you have it! I love each and every one of these dishes and hope that you find great enjoyment from making something a little extra special to start your morning. If you try any of these - comment below to let me know what you think!


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