Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Nourishing Beauty Products Pt. 1 - Skincare

Finding skincare products that work can seem like a never ending journey. Finding products that work AND are good for your skin in the long run can seem almost impossible. I have struggled with skin issues pretty much since I entered eighth grade.
I tried every single over the counter product, but most of these only led to minimal relief. I started seeing dermatologists in high school and was instructed to use benzoyl peroxide cloths to wash my face, and a high powered retinoid cream called Tazorac. These products helped some, but I still had frequent breakouts along with cystic acne, but because I did see some progress I continued to use them for several years. I had small bumps from keratosis pilaris on my arms, and my dermatologist prescribed a hydrocortisone cream. I used it for a few days and was left with huge cystic bumps from my shoulder to my elbows that lasted weeks. To correct the problem I was given a round of antibiotics and told that we would try something else in a few weeks. Around the same time I developed an allergic reaction to the benzoyl peroxide wipes, so I was done. I stopped using prescription creams and started looking into natural alternatives that wouldn't turn me into a dry, bumpy mess of skin. There began my journey of using natural products. I tried using products from "natural" lines at the drugstore, but quickly came to realize they carried the same harmful ingredients, but with a little bit of aloe vera thrown in. About three years ago I started seeing a natural minded doctor who saw I had significant hormonal imbalance- which causes a host of side effects, including acne that no cream can properly remedy. She helped get me back on track in about six months, and my skin took a huge turn for the better.

Fast forward almost seven years from when I stopped using presctiptions and I have better, more calm skin than I have ever had. I did get hormonal breakouts in early pregnancy, but that was short lived and not as bad because it was "for a cause." I have tried more products than I can count, and want to share the ones I have found most effective in nourishing my skin over the long term.

I. Cleansing

The first step in my facial routine is to cleanse my skin. In the mornings I just rinse with water, but after a long day, I use  face wash. I currently am loving the Pacifica Sea Foam Complete Face Wash . I keep coming back to this face wash because it is gentle yet effective, and doesn't irritate my skin. For about a year I used a friends homemade soap, which was the best thing on Earth.....literally. It was creamy, natural, and gentle. Sadly she isn't able to make them currently so I am settling for this - but if you know someone who makes amazing soap, buy as much as you can and don't look back.

II. Tone

I used astringent toner on and off for a few years, but I found that overall it did more harm to my skin than good. Every once in a while I use this witch hazel as a toner if my skin is having more breakouts than normal. For daily maintenance I use this facial tonic to hydrate, refresh and moisturize my skin. It is the perfect base for my skin before I begin the day and a great mid day refresher. It is more expensive, but for me it lasts a long time and is worth its price tag, but if you're looking for a less expensive product, this is a less expensive alternative. I've gotten it for less than $9 during Sprouts Vitamin and Bodycare Extravaganza sale.

III. Moisturize & Treat

After switching to more naturally based facial products my acne almost completely disappeared. I take a food based multi vitamin and cod liver oil daily, and I think these things make a great difference in keeping my skin healthy. I have tried so many moisturizers, and honestly, none of them have worked as well as I would like, until I started using Trader Joe's jojoba oil. It has amazing properties that moisturize while also removing excess oil from the skin. It is rich in iodine and antioxidants which slow down the signs of aging. I use a few drops on its own in the mornings, and at night I mix it with this serum or a few drops of Frankincense oil to brighten my skin and keep it youthful.

IV. Protect

After my moisturizer has dried, I apply this sunscreen. I like this particular one because it's only active ingredient is zinc oxide, and it rubs in easily and absorbs well. It smells lovely and protects my skin throughout the day. This is my final step before I apply makeup and get on with my day.

V. Deep Clean

Once or twice a week I try to use a face mask to deep clean my skin. I choose either one of these masks depending on what my skin needs. I use this French Rose Clay mask to soothe and brighten my skin if it needs a little lift. In the case that I'm having breakouts or my skin is irritated, I use the very famous Aztec Secret Bentonite Clay. It tightens, cleanses and firms my skin so well. I highly recommend incorporating a weekly mask into your routine, and I think you will see a big difference in your skin both short and long term.

Well, thats my routine! It is simple enough for me to be consistent with it, and I feel good about each step. What are your favorite products to use on your skin?

XO, B  

1 comment :

  1. k so im not super crazy about cosmetics but i could definitely use some 1 on 1 skin advice the next time i see u probably alot of damage from the sun and no sunscreen and poor care for long periods of time anyway im probably the closest genetically to you of any human on the planet (ppl used to think we were twins) so you probably know what would work for me well talk the next time i see you or whenever
    XO E :)
