Thursday, June 8, 2017

13 Things for 13 Months

This past week Logan turned 13 months old. Each "new" age is my favorite, and this one is no less sweet and exciting. I jotted down thirteen memories and fun facts from our happenings recently. 

1. Logan has taken a few steps but he isn't full on walking yet. 
2. He has started waving bye to me when I put him down for a nap and it's the cutest thing ever. 
3. We are knee deep in the pointing phase. Most of he time he just points at every and anything he can, but it's nice for him to be able to point at his water cup when he is thirsty. 
4. Hugging. All day all the time. It's the cutest and sweetest and he has started hugging his grandparents too which makes it extra special. 
5. We go to the park a few times a week and Logan has gotten so good at climbing up the baby rock wall that he can do it all on his own now! It's crazy quickly much they grow. 
6. Sometimes for a snack I'll give Logan a whole pear (with skin). He eats it so quickly and doesn't even stop to avoid the pit. I was shocked the first time I turned around and the whole thing was gone. 
7. On Sunday's we put Logan in the nursery. The other day I dropped him off, and Ian picked him up afterwards, and every time I went to hold him for the rest of the afternoon he sobbed like I was going to take him back 😂 #dramatic
8. Currently Logan is obsessed with hoses. He loves watering and has almost figured out how to turn them on by himself. 
9. He looks more like a boy everyday and it's SO SAD guys. 
10. I've been playing the piano more, and Logan loves playing too or going under the piano and pressing the pedals. 
11. Still going strong with thumb sucking and I still think it's the cutest thing ever. 
12. Logan has started getting shy around new people. He is very coy and hugs us and kinda hides his face in our shoulders. 
13.. We found out this week strawberries are a no go for our sensitive little bug. Diaper rashes are no fun 👎🏼

Can't wait to see what next month brings .

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