Saturday, May 27, 2017

A Burden Not For Us to Bear

A few months ago I started reading through the New Testament again, after spending a big chunk of the past years reading through the Old Testament. I am currently in the book of Acts, and I have been so challenged and encouraged by the accounts of the apostles lives and their sermons. I found myself in chapter 15 earlier this week, and so much of what it has to say has stuck with me.
The Jews at the time were preaching a gospel of legalism, saying that only those who were circumcised could be saved. This automatically excluded Gentiles, and called them to participate in a physical change in order to receive salvation. Christ spent much of his ministry hammering at the point that there is one way to salvation - the blood of Christ alone. At one point Peter asks, "Now, therefore, why are you putting God to the test by placing a yoke on the neck of the disciples that neither our fathers nor we have been able to bear? But we believe that we will be saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus, just as they will.”(Acts 15:10-11). Matthew Henry notes in his commentary on these verses that this was such an affront to God because "Christ came to proclaim liberty to the captives, and they go about to enslave those whom he has made free."

This question struck such a deep chord with me; how often do we hang a yoke like this around our own necks, or worse, the necks of others? Do we make issues of preference seem like a necessity to others? Whether its how we go about our dating relationship, marriage, money, child rearing, church attendance, or a hundred other things, we can often make those around us feel like they are lesser fit for their calling, because they do not follow rules we set forth. 

The Bible says very little when it comes to the practical aspects of parenting, yet,I see this so much when it comes to raising kids. I know women who have actually been rebuked for not sleep training their child in a certain manner. Ladies, what does God require of us as parents? To be obedient to His word, and bring our children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). If we truly believed this was our mission, would we go so far to push our preferences on others? Community is a blessing, and we have so much to learn from each other. I think it is wonderful for women, men, and families to come together and be sharpened by their differences. What is unhelpful is to lay a burden on others that they are not meant to bear, by asking them feel like they have to reach a standard in order to obtain our acceptance. 

I am sad to say that my heart has reacted with pride toward others who do things differently than me. "There's no way their way will work as well as mine"  are thoughts that go through my head. How ugly! I want to respond in love in both word and in my inner thoughts, rather than burden those around me by withholding kindness or love, or even making them feel less than adequate because of their preferences.

A Bright Hope

When I first read this verse, my mind was immediately redirected to Matthew 11:28 - "
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." What relief! Christ is our rest and salvation, because He is the one who takes on the impossible task of making peace with God, and makes it possible. If coming to Him is a place of rest, shouldn't the same ring true of his body - the church? Let us pull back our microscope and find grace in the big picture of things. There and many things that are so small and insignificant in the scheme of eternity. At the end of the day, when our children are grown and have their own families, or when we reconnect with a sister several years down the road, I think we will see more clearly the big picture of God's enabling us to do all things in His strength alone. 

The truth is, that none of us are fit for the calling we are given. I am not fit to be a wife and mom in my own strength. but that's the beauty of it. God uses weak vessels to make Himself glorified and great. Are you feeling inadequate? Insecure? Well, friend, you are; and I am right there next to you. Unworthy, BUT a recipient of grace daily, in order to be faithful to the calling of Christ. Let us enrich our minds with the truth of Scripture. May we be quick to speak encouragements from God, and slow to speak our own standard or preference. 


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