Monday, February 13, 2017

Love Gives

Happy Valentine's Day, friends! 
I have always had a special love for this holiday. It started young, as I loved making, addressing and sending special valentine's to my classmates in school. When I got older my mom and I would exchange special gifts. One year she got me this fabulous pair of pink corduroy pants, and to this day I wonder why I got rid of them! Many people reject Valentine's day as a "Hallmark Holiday", but I will take ANY excuse to send cards, put hearts on every. single. thing. and express the love that overflows from my heart. This year is extra special for me because I get to be Logan's first valentine, and dress him in ridiculously cute Valentines clothes :)

I was thinking about love as this holiday has been approaching, like many others out there I'm sure. This years valentine's day I feel like I could burst with love - but not for the reasons you might think. I haven't received 1000 roses, a new puppy, and I'm not going out to dinner tomorrow. No, it will be a normal day for us. Ian will be working the whole day, and I am picking up Chipotle (to commemorate the first meal we had on Valentines day together, just one month before we started dating), but I will eat around 7, and Ian will eat when he gets home from work hours later. My heart is full for other reasons. Yes I adore my husband, and can't kiss little Logan enough time in one day, but I am more moved by the love that was shown to you and me through the greatest love gift ever given. 
You see, " God SO LOVED the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever might believe in Him might have eternal life." - John 3:16 (emphasis added). We know God's love because He gave us His son. All we need to do is to believe in his name, in order to claim the matchless gift of eternal fellowship with the God of the universe. The gospel is the most loving truth we could ever know, and it gives us the perfect example of how to love. To lay down one's life for another in love.

On days when I am tired and worn out, the Lord is faithful to remind me of the truth that being a wife and mother says more about what I am called to do than anything else. I get to love my husband and stay up late making a meal for him to take to work the next day, even when I want a few extra minutes to read. I get to stay up with Logan when he is teething or having a rough time, because I get to keep watch over his precious little life. I get to think twice before purchasing something because Ian and I are saving up for the future.

It is so easy to forget that each role we step into is about doing, not receiving. If I don't get the Valentines day present I want from my husband, I am still a wife, and able to act fully as such. However, if I harbor resentment and discontentment then I am not loving my husband as I ought to and have deviated from my vows. This thought has been so humbling because I focus way too much on what I am receiving as validation for my roles, rather than looking at Scripture and evaluating what I am pouring out to the parts of life currently in front of me. It is easy to think that everything is all and good when I receive praise, compliments and gifts, but none of these are a reflection of my true heart or faithfulness to God's calling.

We all long for a settled love. One that can fix itself upon a certain person and stay there - a spouse for most of us, or maybe a child to some - and have that love returned. Many people will feel undervalued today because they have not found their "one" who will bring them flowers, chocolates, and notes filled with endless words of love and praise. Others will be discouraged because the one they love doesn't reciprocate their love in the way they want it to be. They will end the day with their love tank feeling less than full.

If you are in either of these groups, or even the group who will enjoy tomorrow to it's fullest, with their valentine or 'galentines', please remember, you are SO loved that God gave. He has given you his Son to believe in and have eternal life. If you believe this promise, he treats you as his son or daughter - giving more abundantly than you could ask or think. God doesn't send us all fluffy gifts, but he sends us the most permanent gift of all - life. Through which we learn the truest of loves.

We pray to know how to love those around us more. The strangers, our neighbors, husbands, teachers, bosses, family, children, etc. You can do this by giving freely. Give the gospel; a hug; respect; a joyful word timely spoken; your time, attention and care. Give forgiveness; gentleness; mercy. Believe the best in someone you have a hard time loving. Love is a heart attitude, and can never be a box we simply check. There is so many people hurting for love right now, it won't take long to think of someone in you life needing some extra care, or to find a stranger in the same circumstance.
 I hope you are loved well today, and give freely of your love to others.


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