Thursday, February 23, 2017

Settling in Outside My Comfort Zone

In the past I would have thought of myself as a pretty flexible person. Sure, I have opinions and preferences, but not to the point where it is debilitating, right? Well, nothing has shown me my great need to grow outside my comfort zone like, you guessed it, motherhood! 

I have fallen in the camp of "mothers who schedule their babies day." This fits my type-a personality one million percent, and has legitimately preserved my sanity in this season of life and with Ian's work schedule. It will be interesting to see how things go with our next babies, because Logan was very amenable to being on a schedule, and pretty much did it himself, with some guidance here or there. He and I are similar that way, but that is beside the point. 

At home, we gel and things go well. Sure, we have days that don't go as planned, but overall I am most comfortable at home. I enjoy the predictability, the ease at which Logan goes down for a nap, and ultimately the lack of external factors that complicate things. Being home is good for both of us. I hope Logan learns quickly that life happens at home, and its okay to enjoy your home rather than it just being a quick stop for sleep or food. 

Recently, though, I have realized that I was getting a little too comfortable at home. Logan's sleep is hit or miss when we are out, and he has maybe once fallen asleep in his stroller while on a walk. Chatting with my cousin-in-law/dear friend (who has three precious kiddos) this past weekend, she was sharing how she has worked with her kids to help them be more easy going. In her words she said "I think you just have to kind of make your kids become easy babies." She shared how when she looks at an opportunity to go out to visit family, or have her kids in an environment that's not exactly a duplicate as the one at home, she sees it as an opportunity for them to learn to sleep in a room that's a little brighter, or noisier and learn to go with the flow. She also made the point that even if the kids don't nap perfectly or get a bit overtired, it's okay because the act of spending time and fellowshipping with another is worth it! 

This was such a good reminder that even tho its not in my comfort zone to go somewhere and risk an overtired baby or what not, its so good for him and me to just live life and go with the ups and downs. I am so thankful that each parent approaches things differently, because there is so much to glean from each person we meet. 

As a note of encouragement to any moms who might be feeling the same way - We had this conversation at a cabin where we were out of town for the weekend. I decided to make a purposeful effort to go out with Logan at least one a week, whether it be to grandma;s house, the zoo or to the park. Even just going away for the weekend, I noticed Logan was settling down much faster at home and in the car. Tuesday, we went to the zoo and he slept for over an hour as Ian and I walked around and chatted. The next day I had to drop him off at my mom's house to go to an appointment, and she put him down for a nap no problem (insert praise hands). These little experiences were like tokens of affirmation from the Lord showing me it IS okay to branch out, and that he was blessing my effort to try to do the right thing in this area. You often hear that babies will rise to the expectations you set for them, and I really think this is for the most part true! 

So, if you've been looking for a sign to get up and out of your comfort zone, don't let fear inhibit you like it has me. We learn by trial and error, and most likely it won't be as scary of a change as your expect it to be.


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