Thursday, April 21, 2016

My Pregnancy Favorites

 Today's post is a bit different from my previous musings, but I wanted to share some things I have loved using over the last 9 (!!!) months of my pregnancy! There is a plethora of information and discussion about products to use during pregnancy, so this is probably a small drop in the bucket; however, I have found it so helpful to hear from women about what products they used, and why they loved them!  I hope if you use any of these you will love them just as much as I have :) 

I have slathered this amazing belly butter on my growing bump from the day I found out I was pregnant - and starting in my second trimester I have applied it twice a day. It may seem silly that I used copious amounts of lotion on my skin, especially because I didn't start actually having a bump for several months; however, I can not sing the praises of this little jar highly enough, as I have not gotten any stretch marks up to this point (38 weeks :). I love that is has lots of natural, plant based oils to hydrate my skin, and I really can tell it has nurtured my belly throughout this time. I haven't had any urge to scratch my skin (I have heard and read that many women get the urge to itch on their bellies). One jar lasted me until about two weeks ago, so approximately 30 weeks. I haven't been able to find it in stores, but Amazon Prime has it for a great price! (click the title on each item to be linked to the selling page:) 

If you experience nausea and or morning sickness, I would recommend giving these a try. I tried EVERYTHING under the sun to try to help my all day nausea and morning sickness. I didn't mind the actual throwing up part as much as the fact that all day nausea made it sooo hard to get anything done. My sweet mom brought me every remedy she could find to try to help me out - magnesium oil, six kinds of ginger soda, homemade bone broth.. etc. (you get the picture). My aunt raved about these, because she has always gotten sea sick, but used them on a recent cruise and didn't have any symptoms the whole time, so I gave them a shot. They actually helped cut about 85% of my nausea throughout the day, allowing me to feel like a functioning human being. Interestingly enough they didn't stop me from throwing up twice each morning, but this "activity" wasn't preceded and followed by unending and incurable nausea. I wore them 24/7 until about 14 weeks, when I could just tell things were getting better. I think my mom picked them up at CVS, but Amazon has them also.

My best friend recommended this prenatal to me, and I have loved it throughout my whole pregnancy! I went to the store the night I found out I was expecting and got a bottle of Rainbow Light prenatals, just to have something before these would arrive from Amazon. I didn't feel poorly from taking those ones, but I have felt really amazing my whole pregnancy (aside from the morning sickness), and I think this super vitamin has been a big part of why. I love that it has fermented folate (not folic acid), and contains no synthetic fillers. You take three a day, so you are able to absorb the contents more efficiently. Interesting thing is, there was a gap in my subscribe & save purchase, so I picked up the Whole Foods brand one a day prenatal, to use for a few days before my second shipment of this arrived. The days I took that vitamin I felt nauseous, and just general malaise, which quickly went away when I started taking New Chapter's blend several days later. Not all prenatal's are created equal, and I highly recommend this one for the integrity of its ingredients and wonderful formulation.

4. Exercise - Free!

Just a quick personal blurb regarding staying active during pregnancy. Staying active has been so key for me these last few months, just as it was before my little baby came along. This will and should look different for each person. I have tried to be consistent in having some form of exercise each day, which has really been helpful, especially looking at the benefit it has had on my circulation (no swelling!). For me, this has looked like lots and lots of walks, or a very light version of arm exercise and squats. I wanted to include this as an encouragement to all ladies, who (if you are cleared for physical activity) will benefit from keeping everything moving. It doesn't mean you have to have a "fit pregnancy" or hit the gym multiple times weekly, but just do whatever will help you relax and keep the blood flowing ! (I am not a doctor, physical therapist or anything like that, and would always consult your care physician regarding any element  of physical activity during pregnancy.)

I was pleasantly surprised to find this little gem a few months ago and am so glad I did! Promptly Journals allow you to keep record of your child's life and milestones from pregnancy - 18 years of life! Each chapter contains some questions about their stage of life, a place for pictures, and a section to just write out thoughts and or memories. They are beautifully bound with linen and I love that you can use the same format for all your kiddos! They don't take up much time, but allow you to keep track of all the special moments :)

I really didn't purchase too many clothing items for pregnancy, because I just tried to make what I already had in my closet work ( thank the Lord for flowy tops!). My cousin raved about how comfortable the maternity shorts from Gap are, so I went and picked up a pair. It was love at first wear, and I have worn them almost daily since the weather has heated up. The demi panel is super comfortable (even tho for pants I have preferred something that goes over my big belly), and they are by far one of my favorite clothing purchases. They fit nicely and go with anything! If you are going to be preggers this summer, do yourself a favor and grab a pair of these. You can thank me later :) 

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