Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Devotional Thoughts // Psalm 127:3-5 + a free printable

Over several years I have enjoyed the hobby of hand lettering and occasional watercolor painting (mostly wishing I was better at both than I am, but it's okay ;)  Recently I have ended up mostly lettering and painting verses, which I love! I have found it refreshing because rereading the text several times allows my heart to meditate on the truth contained in the words before me, as well as sparked a desire to study the verses more in depth.

A few months ago, I decided to paint Psalm 127:3-5, since they have been quite the theme around here the past few months. At the bottom of this post, there is a link to download the painting. I wanted to share this printable, hoping that this reminder will brighten someone else's day the way it brings a sweet reminder to me when I walk past it in the babe's room. These verses have been even more encouraging and sweet after taking some time to study the passage in depth. The following points stuck out to me for how to rightly apply this passage to our new life of parenthood.

1. r e c o g n i t i o n

 Preceded by the truth in verse 1 and 2 that reliance upon the Lord is necessary to receive blessing from any situation, whether it be building a physical home, or growing a family to call home. Every good and perfect gift is from the Lord (James 1:7), and in order to enjoy any blessing given from above, we must acknowledge the Giver first and foremost. Genesis 1:26 lays out the framework through which we must view every created being - made in the likeness of God. Every child is uniquely created in God's image, to have relationship with Him and serve Him through their unique personality and character traits. Of the truth that children are a blessing, Spurgeon writes "They are "doubtful blessings" only because we are doubtful persons. Where society is rightly ordered children are regarded, not as an incumbrance, but as an inheritance; and they are received, not with regret, but as a reward." Recognizing Gods unique providence in His provision of our child, as well as His dominion over all creation brings freedom to embrace and enjoy our child while knowing the Lord is sovereign and will not give this blessing apart from the ability to handle it well.

2. p u r p o s e

Verse 4 says, " Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth." Archery is a sport that requires practice and precision to succeed. More than just shooting arrows for sport, having and directing arrows in a time of war can mean the difference between life and death. Of this verse, Matthew Henry states "Children of the youth are arrows in the hand, which, with prudence, may be directed aright to the mark, God’s glory and the service of their generation; but afterwards, when they have gone abroad into the world, they are arrows out of the hand; it is too late to bend them then. But these arrows in the hand too often prove arrows in the heart, a constant grief to their godly parents, whose gray hairs they bring with sorrow to the grave." It takes wisdom and dependence on the Lord to direct these arrows well, and thankfully Scripture lays it all out for us, we must only be diligent to study the directions divinely laid out for us.

The night I read this, I was overwhelmed with a sense of "oh my goodness, how will I ever live up to what the Lord has called me to do!" I have not a single clue what this will look like, really. When I feel inadequate or overwhelmed at the road ahead, it has been so helpful to remind myself of these truths. That the giver of this gift has given us all the guidance we will need, and will sustain us each step of the way.

I hope this brings some encouragement and refreshment to you, as it has to me. May we strive each day to the high calling we have, and not lose sight of the author and perfecter of this calling - Jesus Christ.

Download the printable - here!

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