Monday, October 14, 2013

Mirror, Mirror

How many times have you looked in the mirror, only to have your reflection spit in your face? What about having your reflection curse at you? How many people do you think have died by being murdered in the mirror?
The obvious answers to these ridiculous questions are all negative.

This past summer I started a chronological Bible reading plan through the Bible. One verse in particular has had a major impact on me after meditating on it for several weeks.

 "Then God said, “Let us make man[h] in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”  So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them."
// Genesis 1:26-27

It is a humbling thing to think over the fact that every human to ever live has been, and will be, a divine image bearer of the Almighty God of the Universe. If you have met me, you know one thing for sure: I don't love people in the way Christ calls me to. I naturally war against my desire to crown myself lord of my life every day. It is comforting to know the battle was won on the cross of Christ, but it is SO hard to put my flesh to death. The thought is easy, but the practice is piercing. The pruning of the divine vine-dresser hurts, but is worth every scab, bruise, and moment of humiliation. to be changed into his image.

When I read this passage I was struck with the realization that I don't view people as God views them. Do I realistically and  practically desire all to be saved and know Christ as Lord of their life? How easy it is to view people as projects and a means to an end. Mailman? A  man who brings me the mail. Waiter? Someone to refill my water glass 500 times before I leave the restaurant. Pastor? Someone to learn from and be taught by.
But the Lord has consecrated my heart to see that this is NOT to be the primary lens I am to view people by.
This is merely a temporary role or job they have. But the truth of the Lord endures forever, and we are made to bear the image of Christ. How much more precious is that person who set my water glass down?
And how can they bear the image of Christ unless they know Him, just as they have been fully known.
By God's grace this is motivation: to love, pray, evangelize, die to myself, and rely on the Lord every living and breathing moment I have on this Earth.

As image bearers of The Lord by birth and by redemption in Christ, let us seek to have our hearts and lives line up with who The Lord calls us to be. May we never be that spitting, cursing reflection in the mirror, but daily transformed, until we reach heaven.

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