Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Starting from Everywhere

For weeks I have sat here, trying to pull out words for my first blog post in over 2 years. I don't know where to start, so I'm just going to lay it all out there, in a somewhat coherent fashion, as I reembark on my journey through the blogosphere. Here is a small introduction to my blog that I hope exposes a bit of my heart to you.

The thought of having a blog again has been turning over in my mind for the past few months. My heart's desire is to pour out words of truth, kindness, beauty, and love into the hard-hearted, cold, and often confusing world we live in. My hope is to be, as the title of my blog states, a channel of God's grace to women who are as needful of grace as I am. I desire to passionately share the beauty of life and to discover the world that the Lord has given us to enjoy.

I am: Regenerated from my self & made alive in Christ. Brooke. Lover of the Scriptures. 21. 5'8". Sister. Optimistically realistic. Watercolor painter wanna-be. Best friend. Grace Community Church Member & Staff. explorer. Movie watcher. Daughter. Hugger. Food Fanatic. City of Angeles resident. Dancer. Enraptured with beauty -- real and imagined.  Reader (like "read 50 books in a year is my goal" reader.) Bunny owner. Makeup Artist. Ocean swimmer. Ancient History learner. Runner. Small group member. Lover of light. iPhonographer wanna be.

So that's the scoop. 

In my swimming days I remember getting up before sunrise on cold days to go to practice. I would stand on the edge of the pool, prolonging conversation, because I didn't want to have to jump in, head first, to 68 degree water. That story always ended the same way, however; I would stretch and suck it up. Propelling myself into the water. The first second was shock, the second was a shot of adrenaline, and the third was happiness of the feeling of being submerged in water - thinking to myself how silly it was that I had  the same inner conflict each morning. So as I prepare to hit the 'Publish' button at the top of this page, It's kind of like diving into that water. Unknown and exciting. I pray this will be profitable and helpful for the time the Lord has ordained it. 

"The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man." Ecclesiastes 12:13

1 comment :

  1. I feel like I know you so well now from this one post! Looking forward to journeying with you! Welcome back to the Blogospher sister!
