Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Empty Glass

The never ending paradox: Is the glass half empty or half full? The standoff between being a pessimist and an optimist. For some reason a majority of people think the way this question is answered will impact our life; whether we view things with rose colored glasses, or dark blue ones, somehow has an impact on the way things turn out, or our approach to them. Over the past few months the Lord has shown me what the true answer to this age old question is.

The glass is empty.

Whether we view things with the most sanguine attitude or a downcast depression, each situation is not as much an opportunity to view things from a certain stance and try to work them out for the best, as it is an opportunity to rely fully on the Lord, without whom we are utterly incapable of anything.

This is a wonderfully difficult lesson to learn, and I am humbled to be able to learn this each day for the rest of my existence - on Earth and in heaven. No matter how things change, I will always be empty without Him. 
Driving to work a few weeks ago, in the midst of a very busy week, I prayed and pleaded with the Lord for wisdom in speech, grace and humility in my interactions that day. The day went on, with all of its stress, hardships and burdens. A parade constant reminders of how needful I was (and am) of the things I had prayed for in the car that early morning. Driving home I was discouraged by areas where growth was painfully obvious, not only to me but those around me. When I got home, I read the daily portion of Spurgeon's Evening by Evening, that encouraged believers to go back to the fountain of life when we are brought to a thirsty condition. Feeling encouraged, I laid my head down and drifted off into a dreamless sleep. 
The next morning, I was back in my car on the way to work, talking with the Lord, and by His grace it hit me: I need more than just wisdom in what I say or kindness with coworkers, I need the Lord to empty me of myself, and to be fully reliant on Him in each situation. 
I knew this truth, and had prayed for it before, but had never seen it in this light. The Lord is SO kind and gracious to show us the truth about Himself, and apply it to our hearts in His perfect timing. 
That day was markedly different than the one before; not because of a n y t h i n g I had done, but because of who our great Lord is! He is our strength in each moment, and will inform our hearts how to act, as we rely and give ourselves fully to Him.
This truth is found and applied all throughout Scripture. One of the passages that encourages me the most is
Psalm 34: 2-7
"My soul makes its boast in the Lord;  let the humble hear and be glad. Oh, magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together! sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed. This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles.The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them."

May we go to the Rock that is higher than us when we see our sin and shortcomings. Our great High Priest does not just have strength, love and grace, but He is these attributes and delights to have His children seek to be like him as we have been commanded.

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