Friday, October 27, 2017

Three Years of "Yes!"

Today marks three years since Ian asked me to marry him, and it has been the best yes I've ever said. It's one thing to say "yes! I will marry you!" But it is a whole different thing to say yes day in and day out - faithfully keeping vows and love alive as we navigate life together. I am so thankful Ian chose me and has faithfully loved and cherished our relationship from day one. In honor of our "engagaversary" I wanted to share a little snippet of how he proposed, as well as some of my favorite photos we took just months before we became man and wife.  Side Note: We did two engagement sessions - the first photos are from Emily Magers who photographed our wedding..she is the absolute best and you should hire her; the second photos are from Beckie Woodfield, she currently is living in New Zeland, but she is a sweetheart and we LOVED using these to announce our engagement. Hope you enjoy :)!

On October 27, 2014, I headed over to Ian's parents house after being at a friends bridal shower all morning. We had planned to hang out, but hadn't gotten any more specific than that - which wasn't unusual for us. When I parked, Ian came out to my car wearing his motorcycle boots and jacket and asked if I wanted to go for a ride. We came in and greeted his family and headed out from there.

We went on a short ride down the hill and came to a park at the bottom of a mountain ridge near the house. The gate to enter the trails was locked, and Ian was unable to maneuver his motorcycle under or around the closed gate. Some guys nearby offered to help him lift it over the gate, and Ian eagerly took them up on it. I did think to myself "oh, he really want's to go up this mountain.", but nothing else. 

We headed up the windy trails of the mountain. It was a sunny day, right before sunset, and the air was crisp and cool. We passed some hikers - at which point I was VERY glad to be on the back of Ian's bike, my arms wrapped around the man I loved. 

We got to the top of the hill and parked near some water towers. The view overlooked the whole city of Los Angeles, and because the sun was setting all the lights were sparkling. I love city lights, and Ian so thoughtfully brought me up there for our special memory. Ian did seem a bit more quiet than usual, but I remember thinking to myself "well, he wouldn't bring me up to the top of this mountain to break up with me!" and that was the last of it.

As we sat on top of the ridge, Ian got up and said he had to use the restroom, and was going to go in the bushes behind us (HA!). He said this so he could be sure I wouldn't turn around, but he really went and set up a camera to take a video, and place the ring in his pocket, which was hidden under the bandanna under his neck.

When he came back we stood up and hugged for a good while. Ian said something I can't remember exactly about how our time together had been the best of his life, and then dropped down to one knee and asked me to marry him. It was dark at this point so he had a light that he shined on my ring. 

I was in SHOCK, but easily said YES quickly and emphatically. He had to ask me to look at the ring, which was the most beautiful ring I had ever seen! We kissed for the first time and had time together alone to just soak in the moment and be so excited!

It was getting late and we headed back down the mountain. Its about a 15 minute ride from where we were, back to Ian's parents house, and it was such a sweet time for me to pray and reflect on God's kindness, and the exciting things that were to come.

When we got back to his parents house, Ian's grandparents and my parents were waiting for us with desserts and champagne. We toasted and made phone calls to our best friends to tell them the exciting news.

It was such a sweet and amazing day, and as time moves on, I can not imagine a more perfect life companion. I see how unworthy I am of his love and care, and what a gift he is. Here's to a hundred more years together!


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