Friday, May 5, 2017

Tips & Tricks: Moving with a Baby

We are finally settling into our temporary home, and dust is settling from what was a busy, crazy two weeks of packing and moving. We recently bought a little fixer upper house, which we are so excited about!

Currently it needs a lot of love, so we have moved in with my in-laws in the meantime. They were so gracious for allowing us to stay with them for a few months to free Ian up to do more construction on the house, without having to worry about keeping it a baby friendly zone (aka, impossible). We were able to move a great deal of our things into storage at our new house, and take essentials with us to my in-laws for the time being. Dividing up our items proved a bit trickier, but now that it's all said and done I think it worked out well. Packing was by far the hardest, because at our old duplex, Logan's room was very open, and without doors, which made nap time not an option when it came to packing. These small things helped preserve my sanity, and made moving with our babe in tow a bit easier.

1. Order is Important:
We had about 30 days from the time escrow closed, until we had to be fully moved out. I wanted to use this extra time to pack, while also having a usable home. I started by packing up all our books, winter clothes, and old baby items I knew we would not need anytime soon. I did pack some less used kitchen items, but for the most part I packed our kitchen last, since I was still cooking up until a few days before we officially moved out, which brings me to my next tip.

2. Set and end date for cooking in your kitchen:
Three days before we officially moved out I decided I wouldn't be cooking anymore. This was a huge relief to not think about buying groceries or doing dishes. We either picked up a simple meal from Trader Joe's or politely invited ourselves over to dinner at our parents house.

3. Purge Everything
Well, maybe not everything, but I did fill many large bags with expired food and clothes I no longer needed. It was kind of a spring cleaning and moving all in one. Moving really helped me realize how much we own that we don't need, or even use that often. It was convicting and good encouragement to always keep a careful watch on how we spend our money. This felt so freeing and resulted in less boxes to back, a win-win!

4. Pack while you can
I mentioned above, but naptime wasn't an option, so I had to pack during the day. Instead, I used playtime and meals to pack while Logan entertained himself or ate. I didn't a huge amount done in one sitting, but chipping away at it slowly really helped in the long run.

5. Accept help
Last but not least, let people help you! My mom came one day and took Logan on a walk so I could pack, and this was so valuable. I was able to focus only on packing boxes, and got so much done. Its amazing how fast us mamas can do things when babies aren't around, am I right? The day of moving, I ran errands and stayed with my parents so that the moving zone would be kid free. We had a nice day, and it was one less thing for Ian to worry about. If someone offers to help you, take them up on it! You won't regret it.

This isn't so much of a tip, as it is an observation, but I saw how much my attitude affected everything! Being joyful and going with the flow put Logan at ease and made it an easier transition. Moods can affect those around us so much, and although these years are SO busy sometimes, it helps to enjoy the crazy sometimes.


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