Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Logan's First Year + A Baby Boy Birthday Gift Guide

I have been very in denial about writing this post because I don't want to actually admit that my baby is ONE. I love each new stage we go through with Logan, but just cherish his little life so, so much! 
It is crazy and empowering to realize that we made it a whole year, and we are all the better for it!
Logan has gone from laying still and quiet on a pillow in the hospital to crawling, cruising, laughing, kissing and hugging - in such a short amount of time. We went camping twice and traveled to three states together as a family of three. We went on road trips and visited friends and family on many different occasions. We explored Disneyland and took a day trip to Santa Barbara. Somewhere near the top of the list is enjoying cozy days at home and just living life. 

Thinking of how to summarize Logan's first year, the word that comes to mind is - thrive. It has been such a blessing to watch Logan thrive in life and learning this year. He is very curious, talkative, affectionate, busy and flirty. He has already developed a passion for food (he seriously LOVES eating all the foods under the sun), and the outdoors. 

It's been interesting to watch my own transformation into a mother. It has been so humbling and I know I am where I was meant to be. I am thankful for a sense of deep, resounding peace at being a homekeeper and stay at home mom. I shared a while back, but I always felt confusion about what my calling in life was. I have never felt more secure and certain about what I was called to do, than to be a mom. To nurture Logan's life and pour myself out into others intentionally and lovingly. I have a lot to learn, but it is comforting knowing all the lessons I will learn have been perfectly planned out for me. 
Watching Ian become a dad has been delightful as well. He really is a natural, and Logan adores him. I can tell when he has missed Ian, and he always gets the most excited when Ian comes home from work. The verse I speak to myself constantly is Galatians 6:9 "And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up." 
We have been richly watered in this season, and I pray we can pour out that grace to others. 

The beginnings of motherhood are intensely demanding and overly focused on the practical. It can be easy to forget the big picture, that we are raising up human souls to do good works and live life! What a holy calling - one that can easily get clouded by long to do lists, hunger, crying and lack of sleep. But be reminded, you WILL reap in due season. So what are you sowing? 

I had a blast picking out Logan's first birthday gifts and wanted to share a little one year old gift guide in case you need some inspiration! These items have been hit's with Logan so far.

1.  2.  3. 4. 5.  6. 7.

Can't wait to share more details from his party next week!


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