Sunday, March 16, 2014

Meet My Small Group [PART 1]

Over the past six months I have had the blessed opportunity run the race of Christ next to five of the most precious girls I will ever meet. We have been memorizing and discussing 1 Corinthians 13 for the past few months//learning to love each other as our Great Saviour has commanded us to. Last week we had a night out at 9021PHO in Glendale & took some fun pictures. Sadly two of our sisters were missing. GRACE is in Israel studying at IBEX and NINA was in her hometown of San Francisco with family. They will be featured in a part two post shortly. 
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FIDM Graduate. Beloved sister. Creative. Humble.
Cheryl joined small group pretty recently after coming to know Christ, and it has been a joy to grow alongside her and learn much about sincere love for Christ and hatred of sin from her tender, caring heart. Her love for people and the Word shines through her to all who know her.

Spunky. Delightful. Food Lover. Medical Student.
Natalya has been a faithful companion on small group journey even amongst studying for her Masters Degree at USC and working full time. She is so eager to come fellowship and learn each week and I have been blessed to be challenged to be a better friend because of her. Her ever present smile is contagious and comforting.

Calm. Caring. Hilarious. Nutrition Enthusiast. 
Natalie is the leader of our small group. She has driven 40+ miles week in&week out and in order to meet with us and draw us together in the unity of the word. Her care for our group and desire to see us grow in unity and true Christlike love has been a tool the Lord has used specifically in each one of us. Her gift of encouragement is a grace to so many.

Lucky enough these women let me spend time each Monday with them. 

My encouragement to you: Join a small group. Any small group. One that you commit to going to each week, with people you commit to loving sacrificially. We make time for what is truly important to us. You will be blessed and challenged in a myriad of ways.
Our group is a collection of six girls, who are from completely different backgrounds, of different races, with different passions, strengths and weaknesses. The Lord has knit our hearts together in study around his word and deepened our fellowship with each other and Him as a result.

"And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near."

HEBREWS 10:24-25


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