Friday, January 26, 2018

Recipe | Gourmet Brunch Board

Breakfast may be the most important meal of the day but it’s also the favorite meal in our household! A few weeks ago Ian’s family celebrated his grandparents 90th birthdays with a brunch birthday party. I wanted to make something special and fun for the party so I started brainstorming on Pinterest. After using my trusty charcuterie board for another party it hit me! What if I made a breakfast board that people could pick yummy treats off of?! I started planning right away. Food, and especially food for parties, is my nerdy obsession. I actually pulled out paper and drew put a sketch for plating everything (😂).

I decided to have some sweet and savory items people could take, and wanted them all to be able to be eaten easily by hand. The main item that set the framework for the board was mini quiches. You can make your own easily with a mini muffin tin, or they sell a pack of 72 at Costco (which I decided to buy). I just baked them and then placed them in a curved pattern across the length of the board. If you’re trying to serve a lot of people these stack up easily too.

Second, I added small stacks of silver dollar pancakes. Ian’s grandad often makes us pancakes and bacon when we come over so this as also a nod to that fun memory. I used Smitten Kitchen’s pancake recipe and got a consistent shape but scooping the batter onto the griddle with a round tablespoon sized measuring spoon. To assemble, I just placed a blueberry on a large sandwich toothpick, and stacked three or four cakes onto the skewer underneath. These are easy to make, but they look so cute and charming! I can’t help but note that they would be a great little appetizer at a baby shower, also.

Then I added some fillers and little treats. I made bacon and cut it into half sized strips. We cooked the bacon on a baking sheet in a 350 degree oven - a method i highly recommend if trying to cook a large amount of bacon with a toddler running around. I also had some cut orange slices, berries and chocolate truffles that I scattered around. To add texture and color I popped a few olive branches here and there. It just took a few minutes to arrange and then voila! It was ready.

I love that this platter is so flexible, since you can add or change things up to for your theme, too. You could do small waffles instead of pancakes, or add things like mini scones or sausages. It looks lovely, yet really wasn’t a huge hassle to make or display - which makes it a keeper for me!

I also snapped some photos around of the party. Ian’s mom set this beautiful table for everyone to eat at, and I just love the kale centerpieces! They actually had roots attached so she handed them out after the party finished. I planted mine in our front yard and it’s still going strong! We had such a delicious breakfast together. There was an abundance of strata, fruit and deer sausage (!). I think Logan ate more than I did.


It was such a delight to be able to celebrate Ian’s dear grandparents - they truly are wonderful, godly people who have left such a wonderful legacy! Each family wrote out a letter of memories and gratitude to them and we all took turns reading them aloud. There were unique highlights to each, yet their consistency of love, hard work, and kindness marked each and every memory.

Just the other night Ian was commenting on how he is so glad Grammy and Grandad have been able to meet two of our kids, a blessing most people don’t get to experience, and one we haven’t taken for granted! We already have so many fond memories of going to their house with our little ones, and I hope to grow old as well as they have.

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